
* Regression analysis report *



Regression analysis data


No.1        No.2

5           3.3        

80          29.2       

15          9.2        

25          14.5       

90          21         

30          17         

95          12         

35          19.4       

40          21.7       

50          25.9       

60          29.2       

20          11.9       

55          27.6       

65          30         

70          30.3       

45          23.9       

75          30         

10          6.5        

85          26         



Condition of regression


                    Data dimension value: 2

                   Sample Quantity value: 19

                     Model element value: 3

                     Powre Initial Value: 1

            Regression precision setting: 0.01

The variables And The dimension of nexus: No.1(x1)No.2(y)

                    Regression models is: Two dimension three elememt(y = a0 + a1 * x1 ^ k1 + a2 * x1 ^ k2 + a3 * x1 ^ k3)


Circs of pretreatment:


No pretreatment


Models Prove parameter


 Correlation coefficient(R): 0.999783593086646

               Statistic(F): 11548.5612941533

    Remain standard warp(S): 0.198531859915968

              Maximal error: 0.382611986116508

              Average error: 0.14261233283846

   Average relativity error: 0.00774906221085097


Models Constant Coefficient


 a0 = 0.1996121

 a1 = -4.4542

 a2 = 5.025586

 a3 = -3.818426E-15


 Models Power


 k1 = 1.24999976158071

 k2 = 1.2300000190731

 k3 = 8.02007770538274


Model error detail


No.1(x1)    No.2(y)        ModelAccount(y)       TheAccountError       TheRelativelyError(%)

5           3.3            3.28149841887327      0.0185015811267255    0.00563815024877512  

80          29.2           29.0195226913834      0.180477308616595     0.0062191687484296   

15          9.2            9.24560726934689      -0.0456072693468936   0.00493285816910059  

25          14.5           14.6243802108769      -0.124380210876891    0.00850499023434741  

90          21             20.7019125439048      0.298087456095203     0.0143990298221489   

30          17             17.110467856395       -0.110467856394983    0.00645615639046926  

95          12             12.1548188074057      -0.154818807405711    0.012737236964107    

35          19.4           19.4677700581268      -0.0677700581268041   0.00348114128759773  

40          21.7           21.6960857945633      0.00391420543673959   0.000180410672865261 

50          25.9           25.7223297942518      0.177670205748193     0.00690723613177127  

60          29.2           28.9368562511828      0.263143748817196     0.00909372277807269  

20          11.9           12.0051049851377      -0.105104985137693    0.00875502423908936  

55          27.6           27.4612377270684      0.13876227293159      0.00505302325811821  

65          30             30.0403648173055      -0.0403648173055302   0.00134368598886912  

70          30.3           30.6046673168512      -0.304667316851194    0.00995492987056396  

45          23.9           23.7876120257703      0.11238797422973      0.00472464298257322  

75          30             30.3826119861165      -0.382611986116508    0.0125931235369541   

10          6.5            6.33823269406891      0.16176730593109      0.0255224624495826   

85          26             26.0191289574355      -0.0191289574354698   0.000735188232733032 






        Analysis date: 2022-3-7 13:50:37