
* Regression analysis report *



Regression analysis data



7           26          6           60         

78.5        1           29          15         

52          74.3        11          56         

8           20          104.3       11         

31          8           47          87.8       

7           52          6           33         

95.9        11          55          9          

22          109.2       3           71         

17          6           102.7       1          

31          22          14          72.5        

2           54          18          22         

93.1        21          47          4          

26          115.9       1           40         

23          34          83.8        11         

66          9           12          113.3      

10          68          8           12         



Condition of regression


                    Data dimension value: 5

                   Sample Quantity value: 13

                     Model element value: 4

                     Powre Initial Value: No initial value

            Regression precision setting: No

The variables And The dimension of nexus: No.1(x1)No.2(x2)No.3(x3)No.4(y)

                    Regression models is: Multivariate dimension multivariate elememt linear(y = a0 + a1 * x1 + a2 * x2 + ...... an * xn)


Circs of pretreatment:




Models Prove parameter


 Correlation coefficient(R): 0.994437836653453

               Statistic(F): -1158.86911614657

    Remain standard warp(S): 1.521454571197

              Maximal error: 3.96796656847

              Average error: 1.12607325223776

   Average relativity error: 0.0113627437503438


Models Constant Coefficient


 a0 = 29.7788565438446

 a1 = 1.95947606540792

 a2 = 0.80986780255038

 a3 = 0.598332565814905

 a4 = 0.180509887831205


 Models Power


No power value in model

Model error detail


ObjeFunction(y) ModelAccount                TheAccountError             TheRelativelyError(%)

78.5            78.9723410606384            -0.472341060638428          0.00598109482756429        

74.3            73.5860018730164            0.71399812698364            0.00970290692264746        

104.3           105.082548856735            -0.782548856735232          0.00744699158184794        

87.8            89.7096210420132            -1.90962104201317           0.0212866916595139         

95.9            95.1551366746426            0.744863325357443           0.00782788351094805        

109.2           105.23203343153             3.96796656847               0.0377068316469603         

102.7           104.412611663342            -1.71261166334152           0.0164023448514391         

72.5            72.5346895456314            -0.0346895456314087         0.00047824766120472        

93.1            92.1718738675117            0.928126132488245           0.0100695157160669         

115.9           116.078228831291            -0.178228831291193          0.00153541997569787         

83.8            84.0320302248001            -0.232030224800113          0.00276121169724678        

113.3           112.33548027277             0.964519727230069           0.00858606492702082        

109.4           111.39740717411             -1.99740717411041           0.0179304637763115         







        Analysis date: 2022-3-7 16:39:27