
                                         * Regression analysis report *



Regression analysis data


No.1        No.2

5           3.3        

80          29.2       

15          9.2        

25          14.5       

90          21         

30          17         

95          12         

35          19.4       

40          21.7       

50          25.9       

60          29.2       

20          11.9       

55          27.6       

65          30         

70          30.3       

45          23.9       

75          30         

10          6.5        

85          26         



Condition of regression


                    Data dimension value: 2

                   Sample Quantity value: 19

                     Model element value: 8

                     Powre Initial Value: 1

            Regression precision setting: 0.01

The variables And The dimension of nexus: No.1(x1)No.2(y)

                    Regression models is: Two dimension nonlinear polynomial(y = a0 + a1 * x1 ^ 1 + a2 * x1 ^ 2 + ......+ an * x1 ^ n)


Circs of pretreatment:


No.1 data Translation value: 0

No.2 data Translation value: 0


Models Prove parameter


 Correlation coefficient(R): 0.994171793407449

               Statistic(F): -1615.76787237647

    Remain standard warp(S): 0.914156871112958

              Maximal error: 14.3876760235299

              Average error: 1.93832422733425

   Average relativity error: 0.101696956253789


Models Constant Coefficient


 a0 = -1.73898264421671

 a1 = 0.842370691283978

 a2 = -0.00575053470170359

 a3 = 2.12096286332876E-11

 a4 = -3.10374977485252E-15

 a5 = -1.34822201505489E-28

 a6 = 7.32403555472667E-53

 a7 = -1.24033444706402E-62

 a8 = -2.54371664160135E-110


 Models Power


No power value in model

No.1(x1)              ObjeFunction(y)       ModelAccount          TheAccountError         TheRelativelyError(%)

5                     3.3                   2.32910740500747      0.970892594992532       0.416851791765876    

80                    29.2                  28.8472617898247      0.352738210175339       0.0122277882991224   

15                    9.2                   9.60270744486936      -0.402707444869359      0.0419368649082943   

25                    14.5                  15.7262007566511      -1.22620075665107       0.0779718366581625   

90                    21                    27.4950644013917      -6.4950644013917        0.236226557122119    

30                    17                    18.3566574288434      -1.35665742884344       0.0739054718486905   

95                    12                    26.3876760235299      -14.3876760235299       0.545242256676958    

35                    19.4                  20.6995874661206      -1.29958746612057       0.0627832544125642   

40                    21.7                  22.7549908840871      -1.05499088408705       0.0463630545694847   

50                    25.9                  26.0032179242737      -0.103217924273711      0.00396942888277524  

60                    29.2                  28.1013386733091      1.09866132669087        0.0390964053158929   

20                    11.9                  12.8082174338923      -0.908217433892279      0.0709089643878947   

55                    27.6                  27.1960415774703      0.403958422529687       0.0148535742372277   

65                    30                    28.719109227162       1.28089077283801        0.0446006442158927   

70                    30.3                  29.0493532543541      1.25064674564586        0.043052481571458    

45                    23.9                  24.5228676983009      -0.622867698300933      0.0253994641231983   

75                    30                    29.0920707701643      0.907929229835684       0.031208821022353    

10                    6.5                   6.10967077383803      0.39032922616197        0.0638871128430328   

85                    26                    28.3149263285208      -2.31492632852078       0.081756395960989    







        Analysis date: 2022-3-7 16:56:48